How Do I Attract Customers To My New Business?

Although you start a business for more reasons than making money, you still want it to be profitable. And the only way that happens is if you have customers.

This may come to a shock to you, but the number one way to attract customers is to speak to one person.

Sounds crazy, right? But it’s true.

What many people do is create a service or product they’re excited about and then hope everyone will love it. That’s like creating one lesson plan for every, single teacher in your building and expecting 100% of them to love everything about it. Not happening. Most people will like parts of it and change the rest. Some people won’t like it at all. And others will completely ignore it.

But here’s the thing: when that happens, that just means those aren’t your people. In other words, that’s not your customer. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with your lesson plan. It just means you didn’t give it to the right person.

And the reason you didn’t give it to the right person is because you were not clear about exactly who you wanted to attract.

Anytime you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. That same idea applies to building your business. When you try to make something for everyone, you end up connecting with no one.

It’s a common misconception that I want you to help you avoid.

Understand Your Target Market

Your target market is your target audience. It’s the people you want to speak directly to because they have the problems that your services or products will solve. They are waiting for exactly what you have to offer. Understanding your target market is the cornerstone for building a strong foundation for your business.

Small Group Lessons And Your Target Audience

Think of your target audience as one small group lesson in your classroom. You may have a whole group lesson for the day, but you know all your students aren’t connecting with it. You already know what each student struggles with and you’ve got a list of four different small groups that meet the needs of those students. The way you explain something in one group will be different for the others. You shift how you speak to your students because you understand their needs. You understand your audience.

When you want to attract customers to your business, you have to be very clear about who you want to talk to in all of your messaging, which includes: the words you put on your website, how you design your social media, what you say when you send out emails.

When you don’ take the time to understand your audience, it’s just like delivering whole group lessons every day. Maybe some people will understand and want to buy from you, maybe some will not.

The clearer you are with your messaging, the easier it is for your perfect customer to find you. Which makes it easier for you to make the sale over and over and over again.

The myth that more is always better is debunked when we see businesses succeed by doing the opposite. By concentrating on a well-defined audience, you're not limiting your opportunities; you're enhancing them. A targeted approach allows for more personalized, impactful interactions that lead to higher engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, a stronger brand.

If you’re ready to take your teacher strengths and use it to build your own business , click here to learn about our services.

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