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Come back every week to get your dose of what life is like after leaving the K12 education system + knowledge and resources to help you build your business from scratch.

How Do I Know If I Have A Good Business Idea?
You’re an educator and you really want to start your own business, but you’re not sure if what’s in your head would make for a good business idea.

What Is A Niche And Why Do I Need It To Start My Business?
What does it mean to find your 'niche' in business? In the classroom, you might think of it as your favorite subject to teach, the grade level where you feel most at home, or the unique teaching style that sets you apart. As an entrepreneur, your niche is not much different.

When Teachers Quit, There’s Nothing You Can Do About It
When you make the decision to resign from education, it’s a big deal. Because for educators this is more than job hopping. It’s a pivotal moment in your life where you have to…

Surprising Lessons From Katt Williams For Teachers Who Want To Leave Education

How To Know It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Your Current Job In Education
I know if you’re reading this it isn’t something you just thought about last night. You’ve been contemplating leaving the education system for a while. You know what you do has never been just about having a job, and you’re trying to figure out how to have a more fulfilling life beyond the school building.

It’s Time To Stop Doubting Yourself
You’ve got things you want to do in this lifetime, and here are a few reasons why you’ve not done them yet and what you can do to start making progress where it counts

10 Reasons Why You Need Support To Help Your Business Grow
The success of your business is directly connected to your community of support

Keeping It Real About Being An Entrepreneur: Challenges, Rewards And How To Be Successful
The truth about the challenges and rewards of becoming an entrepreneur

Here’s Why You Feel Stuck At Your Job
I know you feel stuck. But there another option.

Finding Your Why: The First Step In Entrepreneurship
The most important step in starting your business is getting clear about why you want to have one in the first place

How Does It Feel To Leave The Education System?
You will experience many emotions when you decide to leave the education system, and that is very normal. Give yourself grace during this time.

Are You Ready To Become An Entrepreneur? The Signs To Look For
Use this list to find out if you’re ready to start your journey as an entrepreneur

Can I Build An Online Business While I’m Still Working?
Short answer: Yes, absolutely! The best time to start your online business is when you’re still working. Read to find out why.

Your Complete Guide For Getting Your Temporary Residency Card And Moving To Mexico
Avoid all of my mistakes. Here is everything you need to know to get your temporary residency card

Transportation in Merida, Mexico
The transportation you choose depends on your budget, location, and patience…..

3 Life Lessons From A Little Ant
When you take a moment to stop, you’ll see things you’ve never noticed before. Like today when….

My First Airbnb In Merida, Mexico
Before choosing long term housing in a new country, I used Airbnb to get familiar with the neighborhoods. This was the first home I checked out.

Why I Left Texas And Moved To Mexico
I put the idea of leaving in the back of my mind for a few months, but then…