God, Was Getting Laid Off Part Of Your Plan For Me?

Diary Entry Date: December 1, 2022

Two weeks ago I found out I was getting laid off.

Even in this moment, I struggle to articulate my emotions about this news. There’s been so much going on and the weeks leading up to this announcement it seemed very clear that something bad was about to happen. But nothing can ever really prepare you for hearing what sounds like a rehearsed statement all people who fire others practice, “Unfortunately, we have decided …….”

It never sounds like they’re talking about real people with real bills and real problems. It always sounds like the one doing the firing is trying to keep as much distance as possible from any kind of emotion attached with telling someone their life is about to drastically change.

And then to find this out during the holiday season?! UGH!

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Rebecca G.

Rebecca is on a constant journey of learning and evolving.


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